SWPTO Mission:
- To mobilize and support parents, teachers and students in Sussex- Wantage in order to benefit our schools.
- To serve as a communication link between Sussex-Wantage Schools and the community in order to promote a positive school/community relationship that will enhance the students’ educational and community environment and experience.
- To enhance the educational outcomes of Sussex-Wantage students by fostering support for the school’s educational objectives.
- To enhance the educational facilities and opportunities for Sussex-Wantage students and staff which are not otherwise provided for in the school’s budget.
- This Mission is to be carried out through volunteerism and fund raising on behalf of the parents, students and staff of the Sussex-Wantage School District.
Join the SWPTO
The Main Reasons to Join the SWPTO:
Research shows that when parents are involved in their children's education, the children are more likely to:
- earn better grades, score higher on tests and pass their classes
- have better social skills, show improved behavior
- be more positive in their attitude toward school
- participate in extracurricular activities.
- enjoy school.